The Agency

A multinational and multicultural team based in its international hub in Paris, headed by a leadership team characterized by in-depth, vast and diverse international experience. Thanks to the strong partnership with independent BBN agencies and the membership of complementary WIN and ION networks, ComCorp has significant coverage in major global markets that enable the Agency to support and accompany its clients through all stages of their expansion.

ComCorp and the other BBN agencies share the same values and good practices; they combine their strengths and know-how to provide their clients with decisive and relevant added value. At the same time, ComCorp has also established innovative relationships and partnerships with some leading agencies in Europe (UK, Italy, Germany …).

Key Facts and Figures

40 employees and expert partners based in its Paris international hub to meet our clients’ needs and expectations. This has allowed for long-lasting relationships based on value creation and trust

Teams totaling 800 international experts via our BBN, WIN, and ION networks.

Around 50 large clients in key economic and public life sectors (car industry, insurance, business services, healthcare, pharmaceutical manufacturers, media, building industry and real estate, universities, top business schools, etc…).

More than


press releases a year


websites created


Press Conferences



A healthy stream of actions and activities that make a strong difference to our clients.
ComCorp, the incisive and decisive agency!

The Team